MONOist Article: つながるクルマの「修理権」で想定される課題と懸念


Infosecurity Magazine Article: Mitigating Cyber-Threats to High-Profile Events

These actions should include growing the cyber-awareness of fans as far as possible, according to Dennis Kengo Oka, principal security strategist, Synopsys Software Integrity Group: “In preparation for high-profile events, organizers should build cybersecurity awareness, including warning the public about fake ticket websites, fake web streaming services, etc.,” he stated.

DSCI-Synopsys Live Virtual Panel Discussion on Developing Secure Automotive Systems in the Connected Car Era

The Data Security Council of India (DSCI), in association with Synopsys, is organizing an exclusive live virtual panel discussion on the theme ‘Developing secure automotive systems in the connected car era’ on Thursday, July 29, 2021, at 11 AM IST. The connected car era brings several advantages and benefits thanks to the introduction of new solutions …

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FISITA Intelligent Safety Conference China 2021: Establishing a Secure Automotive Software Development Process based on ISO/SAE 21434

Modern vehicles contain more than 150 million lines of code. As a result of more advanced safety-relevant functionality such as ADAS and autonomous driving, and new communication interfaces, mobile apps and backend servers based on the connected car use cases are being introduced, the need for developing secure systems in the automotive industry is higher …

FISITA Intelligent Safety Conference China 2021: Establishing a Secure Automotive Software Development Process based on ISO/SAE 21434 Read More »

ASRG WORLD Webinar: Fuzz Testing Automotive Systems – Process and Practice

This presentation provides an introduction to fuzz testing of automotive systems with a focus on both process and practical topics. We first discuss the typical automotive development process to better understand where the fuzz testing activity fits into the overall process. We also discuss common practical pitfalls and challenges when performing fuzz testing of automotive …

ASRG WORLD Webinar: Fuzz Testing Automotive Systems – Process and Practice Read More »

Automotive World 2021 Article: Automakers must champion cyber security

Dr Dennis Kengo Oka, Principal Automotive Security Strategist​ at global software company Synopsys, says the introduction of ISO/SAE 21434 will impact not only how businesses operate, but also the way employees think about cyber security on a day-to-day basis. “Organisations will have to change in order to meet these new requirements,” he affirms.

Webinar: オートモーティブ・サイバーセキュリティ・プロセスに統合したファジング・テストの活用法

自動車のシステムはますます複雑化し、相互に接続されているため、サイバー攻撃にさらされやすくなっています。脆弱性を発見し修正するために、最新のサイバーセキュリティ・ツールとプロセスが不可欠です。ファジング・テストは開発段階の終盤にのみ適用するのではなく、開発プロセスに組み込んでテストを自動化することにより、さらにセキュアなエンジニアリング・プロセスを確立することができます。 本セッションでは、ZF社がファジング・テストをどのようにサイバーセキュリティ・プロセスに組み込むことができるのか、具体的な手順や活動、テスト環境の例などをご紹介します。また、シノプシスがユーザーの開発環境とプロセスにツールを統合するためにどのようなお手伝いができるのかについても、ぜひこちらでご確認ください。

Future Mobility Europe 2021: Deep dive: Getting your organization ready for ISO/SAE 21434

This talk presents cybersecurity activities in the software development process based on ISO/SAE 21434 to help automotive companies develop more secure systems. We will discuss practical implementation examples for each cybersecurity step in the development process. Specifically, we will provide some examples on what is required for automotive organizations from a resources and tools perspective …

Future Mobility Europe 2021: Deep dive: Getting your organization ready for ISO/SAE 21434 Read More »